Selling to Real Estate Agents



You know that Real Estate Agents are great sources of staging referrals, but it seems like they won’t even give you the time of day. Find out how to avoid losing out on these lucrative referral clients.

Join Christine Rae and her guest Real Estate Marketing Expert, Tara Jacobsen for this hour long webinar as they teach amazing and actionable tips you can use immediately to start getting agents to work with you! This webinar will walk you through common mistakes stagers make when selling to agents and explain the exact pitfalls to avoid.

Participants will learn:

  • Why realtors always blow you off without listening to a word you say
  • How to battle that horrible phrase, “I have a stager I work with already”
  • How to laser focus in on just the agents who can give you a steady stream of customers
  • What they need to know about you to give you a shot
  • The one phrase every other stager uses that is guaranteed to turn any Realtor off immediately
  • And much, much more


Selling to Real Estate Agents:
7 Fatal Mistakes Stagers Are Making and How to Fix Them

real estate agent in garden settingThis online learning session will walk you through common mistakes stagers make when selling to agents and explain the exact pitfalls to avoid.

You know that Real Estate Agents are great sources of staging referrals, but it seems like they won’t even give you the time of day. Find out how to avoid losing out on these lucrative referral clients.

Join Christine Rae and her guest Real Estate Marketing Expert, Tara Jacobsen for this hour long webinar as they teach amazing and actionable tips you can use immediately to start getting agents to work with you! This webinar will walk you through common mistakes stagers make when selling to agents and explain the exact pitfalls to avoid.

Participants will learn:

  • Why realtors always blow you off without listening to a word you say
  • How to battle that horrible phrase, “I have a stager I work with already”
  • How to laser focus in on just the agents who can give you a steady stream of customers
  • What they need to know about you to give you a shot
  • The one phrase every other stager uses that is guaranteed to turn any Realtor off immediately
  • And much, much more