CSP Marketing

Biophilic Design & Designing For Wellness

In today’s world, nearly 2/3 of the population are living in urban environments and we are spending on average up to 90% percent of our time indoors separated from natural elements. This separation from nature has the potential for adverse effects on our physical and mental well-being. Studies have shown

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The E-Factor Elite Stagers Have the Extra Edge

You might know that Christine Rae is an accredited facilitator from Michael Gerber who wrote “The E-Myth”, a book that revolutionized the world of business. And staging has an ‘E-Factor’ when you become an Elite Stager™. As an Elite Stager, you gain Enhanced Visibility, Educated Clients PLUS The Extra Edge.

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CSP Graduates Next Step ELITE Stager

The CSP Elite agent program is designed for real estate agents to learn what they need to know about staging in order to integrate it into their marketing. A vital part is having a CSP refer the agent into the program so they learn how to work with you! Let

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Are you always re-working your services to give you the edge in the market and make you more money? Join President of INhance IT! Home Staging and Vacant Staging Specialist Liz Connolly CSP, CSPM, VSS, RESA-PRO, HSRA for this information-packed 1hr webinar where she will share how to increase or

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Add Short-Term Rental and Airbnb to Your Business

You may know the Airbnb industry has grown 1000% since 2011!. The short-term rental market is exploding, even in small, non-touristy towns all across North America. Stagers have a fantastic opportunity to help short-term rental properties and their owners stand out and become profitable for years to come. This industry

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