CSP Marketing

MY Pocket Designer

Learn the secrets to more homes staged and sold quickly. Course by Debbie Talianko What if…there was a way to get your client’s homes staged and sold more quickly? The homes you stage would sell faster. And because your inventory wouldn’t be

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International Women’s Day

Right click on the images below to save them to your computer.  If you use the tea bag comparison – this is a great opportunity to buy unique tea gift sets and drop them off with a card designed in the same manner as a quick gift, reminder

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Ground Hog Day

Right click on the images below to save them to your computer.  Ground Hog Day Groundhog Day (Pennsylvania German: Grund’sau dåk, Grundsaudaag, Grundsow Dawg, Murmeltiertag; Nova Scotia: Daks Day) is a popular North American tradition observed in the United States and Canada on February 2. It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerging from

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Chinese New Year

Right click on the images below to save them to your computer.  Chinese New Year Greetings Kung Hei Fat Choi (gōng xǐ fā cái) is traditional Chinese New Year greeting meaning: Congratulations and best wishes for a prosperous New Year!; Happy New Year! Add

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