CSP Marketing

CSP Pro by Villa Nova Insurance Partners

Real Estate Staging can be an exciting and creative career choice, but no business is absent from risk. Join Christine Rae and her guests from Villa Nova/CSP Pro, Victor D’Angelo (COO Villanova Insurance Partners/Program Director CSP Pro), Joseph Denneler, Esquire (General Counsel Villanova Insurance Partners / Head of Risk Management

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Unlocking the Facebook Timeline App Mystery

Join FB guru Nathan LaJure while he helps you navigate the changes to FB and what it means to your business page! Did you know you can put your website right in your Fan Page using Timeline App Builder in under 10 seconds? Learn how to use Timeline Apps to

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The Stagers Guide to Business Insurance

The Stagers guide to “who” needs insurance, “what” types of insurance you need, “when” would insurance come into play with a potential claim, and “why” you need to maintain insurance. We will walk you through various examples of claims that can happen to a Stager and how your Insurance would

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THE PIVOT -Complimentary-

Join Christine Rae and her guest Sue Styles for this complimentary webinar. Sue is Canada’s bossy business coach and one mother of a motivator! She helps entrepreneurs organize their efforts, focus on what matters, and put proper basic foundations into place so that business can grow. She teaches practical business

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