CSP Marketing

Greening Your Business Will Improve Your Bottom Line

Learn how the “Green” industry growth impacts business, life, clients and home! Christine Rae makes it interesting and easy to understand how the simplest changes that you make to the way you live, will help the earth, your family and your business. Also learn about a learning and leveraging the

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From Rejection to Revenues

Rejection, or the fear or feeling of rejection, can be one of the fastest ways to take yourself out of being successful. The greater tragedy is that you will not be able to help the people who are looking for you if you are worrying about disapproval, judgment or rejection.

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Fire Up Your Business

*Do you make resolutions every New Year? *Lose weight? *Get healthy? *Spend time with family? *Plan alone time? Well it is resolution time for YOUR business. Join CSP International Founder and President Christine Rae for an exciting new, fast paced, 90 min learning experience with a focus on putting money

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Feng Shui Your Life For Business Success

When it comes to business success, the benefits of Feng Shui apply equally well at work and at home. A harmonious home environment supports you in every area of your life, including your finances and career. Feng Shui helps you recognize blockages or stuck energy in your home which may

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Feng Shui Your Business for Success

Set yourself up to succeed with the universal principles of Feng Shui. Feng Shui brings your environment into harmony with your inner self, helping you achieve your goals more easily than ever before. From attracting and creating positive energy flow to empowering your business with intention and purpose, learn the

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