CSP Marketing

How to Take Photos That Sell Your Staging Services

Do your marketing photos truly represent your work? Unleash the power of your visual marketing with photos that sell your style. Are your DIY marketing photos leaving you frustrated or even embarrassed because they simply do not reflect your work, style or brand? You can be your own photographer and

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How to Make a $100 000 in a Year: Pricing and Getting PAID

Pricing Business, Discussing Price, Getting paid and anything else you need to know to make $100,000 this year! Participants will learn the 3 main components which make up your fee and how to figure them out, multiple pricing options, using your established fee to forecast annual income and how to

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How Instagram can Enhance your Marketing Strategy

Social Media is increasingly becoming more visual, mobile and “in the moment”. Instagram captures all that. With a growing popularity among consumers and brands, Instagram has taking marketing back to story-telling, and how do you tell your story? Before you set up your Instagram account, what are you going to

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Habits for Highly Effective Staging Entrepreneurs

We have all heard the wisdom of Einstein who said “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”; which is true! However, when you repeat highly effective processes enough times to make them habit your business success escalates. Changing habits to improve

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