Where Health Science & Nature Meet.
Shaklee was the first company in the world to be certified Climate Neutral. That’s not bragging; it’s a fact. Another fact? They launched the first-ever Earth Day product. Shaklee is rooted in nature and we do everything in our power to protect it – from how they source ingredients to how they run the company. They’ve held themselves to the highest environmental standards, totally offsetting our CO2 emissions and making sure the impact on the environment is a solid net zero.
Organic and Beyond
Shaklee quality standards go beyond how and where an ingredient is grown. We look to confirm the purity and potency of ingredients after harvest to guarantee that the final finished product is free of hundreds of chemical contaminants. That’s Beyond Organic.
By the numbers:
3 times U.S. Pharmacopeia standards
100,000 quality tests conducted
350+ tests for harmful contaminants