Clean up every night before you got to sleep, this way you wont be overwhelmed by the pile of clutter.
Designate one area in the house for the kids to play during the time the house is up for sale and showing. It’s easier to control one room then cleaning up the toys all over the house and hopefully it is not for long!
Baskets at least 7 inches wide in plastic or wicker are perfect for organizing around the house. Gravy, sauces, soups and bulk spices put into a basket are a great way to organize the pantry.
Under the bathroom sink, one for makeup, hair care products, medical supplies or any other clutter that finds its way under the sink.
Instantly organize any closet for cheap. Use nylon shoe shelves. Great for accessories – hats and scarves, kitchen aids, crafting tool, small liners.
Staging for Panorama Shots
Make sure there is something nice to look at on all four walls when there might be 360 degree panorama shots taken. Don’t lose the opportunity to do a panorama on a beautiful room just because you left the last wall seen on the way out unadorned.
Never go for shopping at the last moment. Always carry your list with you everywhere so when you are out and see something you need you can grab it.
Anything that gets an ugly stain too expensive to launder, cover the stain with talcum powder, leave it for a day or two rub it lightly, then wash and dry. The stain will disappear.
Problem Walls
Ten minute Masterpiece using fabric, artist’s canvas stretcher and staples to address the problem wall and help pull a room together.
Hang Pictures
Using command strips to hang pictures/objects on the wall without using nails.
I find putting a sheet of fabric softener in your shoes reduces odors in the closet.
Wood Work Restoration
Found a wonderful product. It is called “Restore a Finish”. Great for wood or wood veneer. I have used it to freshen up dull or dingy woodwork that has lost it’s lustre or has a few wear marks or scuffs and small scratches. I found it very easy to use and a great result in little time. The product was available at my local paint shop. Just wipe it on, wait a few minutes (follow manufacturers directions on can) and then buff off with a dry cloth. It is amazing what this stuff does to wood work. It is now often a recommendation I make to home sellers for dated wood cabinetry, stained millwork, etc.